What We Believe
There is only one God, and He reigns supreme. He is the Creator of the universe, and all that is in it, there is no equal. Jesus Christ is the one foretold of by the prophets. He is God and was with God in the beginning. He was sent from Heaven to become as man, and in all was like man, yet He remained God. He willingly bore our sins on the cross; He died and paid the penalty for all mankind. Belief in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the triune God. It is He that comforts, leads us to be convicted of our sins and maintains a permanent presence in the heart of a Christian, He has existed forever.
The Bible is the total, infallible Word of God. It is unchangeable and the principles cannot be compromised by any traditions or further revelation to individuals. The Bible should be read and studied, and the principles outlined should be applied to each Christian's life. Baptism was given as an ordinance so we continue to keep in mind what Jesus did for us when He died. It is through baptism that we can experience a newness of life through the resurrection of Jesus. It is not the means of salvation, but we should observe the ordinance as an act of obedience. The Lord's Supper is observed once a month as a time in which we remember Jesus' agony and the last earthly meal He had with His disciples. Taking the supper is not necessary for salvation, but should be observed to constantly remind us of what Jesus did for us. This should only be done when we are in communion with God.
The Church, established by God, and supported by the Trinity, is mandated to glorify God, strengthen believers, and evangelize to the world. The Church, known as the bride of Christ is to be in the world, but not of the world.